Facial Contouring Center

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  • Paranasal Augmentation

Paranasal Augmentation

Paranasal Augmentation is a surgical procedure to inflate depression above the upper jaw (maxilla) from the nostrils to the corners of the mouth. Adding volume to these areas straightens nasolabial folds, achieving younger appearances in general.

Self-Diagnosis of Paranasal Depression

  • - Depression between nostrils and cheeks also makes the center of face look concaved.
  • - Nose tip looks low when it is not.
  • - Nasolabial folds run deeper around the nose.
  • - Nasolabial folds look emphasized even without sagging cheeks.
  • - Depressed areas around the nostrils give the look of protruding mouth.
  • - Gums are protruding.
  • 귀족수술 전


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Surgical Methods of Paranasal Augmentation


Paranasal Augmentation with Implant insertion

It is a surgical method inserting an implant on depressed surrounded areas of nose to make up weak facial contour. This gives complete solution on the sunkeness below nose as well as the protruded mouth visually.

보형물 삽입을 이용한 귀족 수술 사진이미지

■ Point01

Smaller and more defined face.

■ Point02

Nasolabial folds and protruding mouth can be improved.

■ Point03

Prominent cheekbones becomes subtle and more attractive.

■ Point04

Lips gain more attention with classy look.

보형물 삽입을 이용한 귀족 수술방법 사진이미지

■ Paranasal Augmentation with Implant insertion

  • 01. The operation is performed under IV sedation and Local Anesthesia.
  • 02. 1~1.5cm incisions are made inside the mouth or nearby the nostrils.
  • 03. Through the incisions, implants such as Silicone or Medpor are inserted underneath periosteum nearby nostrils.
  • 04. Implants are easily removable when revision or correction are needed.
  • 05. Various customizable implant designs often yield highly satisfactory results.
  • 06. Augmentation is semi-permanent because implants do not get absorbed.
Operation Time

Around 30 minutes


IV Sedation and Local Anesthesia

Stitch Removal

Unnecessary since suture is made with dissolvable thread.
(7-10 days in case of incision made on near nosetril)

Recovery Period

· Meal intake available on the next day of surgery
· Facial wash, Makeup available 1 day after surgery
· Major swelling subsides 1 week after surgery

* Recovery period varies on individual basis.


Paranasal Augmentation with Fat graft

It is to harvest fat from body parts where excessive fat is stored such as thighs, hips, or abdomen, and graft into near nose to the middle part of upper lip. This method is also known for body contouring effect since the procedure grafts unnecessary fat from your own body. BK Plastic Surgery Hospital has developed its ways to increase survival rate of grafted fat cells to enhance lasting period and results of the procedure.

자가지방을 이용한 귀족 수술 사진이미지

■ Point01

Fat graft is an incision-free procedure leaving no scar.

■ Point02

Unlike foreign materials, autologous fat causes almost no complications.

■ Point03

Revisional surgery can be easily done if needed.

■ Point04

Recovery period is short due to mild swelling.

■ Point04

Absorption of grafted fat occurs to some degree; additional fat graft is considered.


■ Surgical Methods of Paranasal Augmentation with Fat graft

  • 01. Fat graft is done under IV Sedation and Local Anesthesia.
  • 02. Fat is harvested through a thin cannula from thigh, abdomen or hip areas.
  • 03. Using a centrifuge, any impurities are filtered out to extract pure fat cells.
  • 04. Fat is evenly grafted in several tissue layers from the area around nostril down to the edges of lips.
Operation Time

Around an hour


IV Sedation with Local Anesthesia

Stitch Removal

7-10 days after surgery
(No required in case of incision made inside of mouth since dissolvable thread is used)

Recovery Period

· Major swelling appears 2-3 days after surgery
· Daily activities available 1 week after surgery
· Natural look achieved 2 weeks after surgery
· Final results can be seen 2 weeks after surgery

* Recovery period varies on individual basis.

