Facial Contouring Center

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  • Lantern Jaw Correction

Lantern Jaw Correction

Protruding chin normally refers to the case of prominent lower jaw or long face, and it is divided into 2 major types based on which surgical method is preferred.

Typical Lantern Jaw Types


Protruding Chin Caused by Mandibular Protrusion

It is the symptom of entire lower jaw structure being prominent, rather than overgrowth of jaw bone. Two jaw surgery is recommended in such case to repair the alignment of molars of upper and lower jaws.

하악 전돌증에 의한 주걱턱 경우 사진이미지

하악 전돌증에 의한 주걱턱 경우 사진이미지

Surgical Method : Two Jaw Surgery

Two Jaw Surgery involves osteotomy on both upper jaw (maxilla) and lower jaw (mandible) to reposition them. Rough edges are smoothened out and bones are reattached after being repositioned. Once protruded bone is corrected, fixation is applied not to make the operated bone further moves.

  • 하악 전돌증에 의한 주걱턱 수술 전


  • 하악 전돌증에 의한 주걱턱 수술 후


Operation Time

2-3 hours


General Anesthesia

Stitch Removal

Unnecessary since suture is made with dissolvable thread.

Recovery Period

· Bandage worn for 2-3 days after surgery
· Daily activities available 14 days after surgery
· Swelling subsides by 70-80% after 3-4 weeks

* Recovery period varies on individual basis.


Prominent Chin Caused by Overgrowth of Jaw : Mandibular Sugery

Overgrown jaw does not misalign teeth but is visually prominent.Such case may be relatively easy to correct with simple lower jaq surgery.

턱 끝 비대증에 의한 주걱턱 사진이미지

수술 방법 : 하악 수술

Surgical Method: Mandibular Surgery

Mandibular Surgery is a surgical procedure to cut the back part of lower jaw, overlap them, and fix in proper position in order to back ward the entire protruding lower jaw.

The osteotomy is applied on the back part of molars on lower jaw to back ward the entire lower jaw bone including lower teeth and overlapped. It is then firmly grinded and reattached with proper fixation.

  • 턱 끝 비대증에 의한 주걱턱 수술 전


  • 턱 끝 비대증에 의한 주걱턱 수술 후


Operation Time

Around 2 hours


General Anesthesia

Stitch Removal

Unnecessary since suture is made with dissolvable thread.

Recovery Period

· Daily activities available 14 days after surgery
· Normal meals can be eaten 20 days after surgery

* Recovery period varies on individual basis.

