Facial Contouring Center

BK Facial Contouring Center

  • Before Facial Contouring

BK Facial Contouring Center

Facial contouring at BK Plastic Surgery Hospital is different!
No medical accidents, blood transfusion, or any emergency situation since 1997
We value safety as our first priority for all facial contouring operations.

Specialty of BK

BK Plastic Surgery Hospital provides a differentiated medical service!


3D-CT for Precise Diagnosis
Scientific Analysis before the Surgery

첨단 3D CT장비 이미지

All equipments used at BK facial contouring center are safe and performance-proven.

Surgical plans are precisely designed through 3D information containing the width and length of jaw bone and location of nerves leading to effectively reduce the risk and duration of operation.

Complete analysis maximizes the success rate!

엑스레이 이미지

Detecting accurate location of bones and nerve structures can reduce damages on nerves, muscles, and other vital tissues.


Mounting Process for Safety

마운팅 과정 이미지

Mounting process is the most important step for two jaw surgery for adjusting the position of upper jaw to be operated precisely as planned.

Systematic and Organized Cooperation

체계적인 협진시 전경이미지

BK Plastic Surgery brings out the most satisfactory results as plastic surgeons carefully consider bone shapes and overall facial contours before combining aesthetic elements with the diagnosis of orthodontists. BK Plastic Surgery Hospital is also cooperated with special dental clinic to ensure safe and accurate surgeries for all facial contouring procedures.

