Facial Contouring Center

BK성형외과 안면윤곽

  • Facial Contouring >
  • Forehead >
  • Forehead Contouring

Forehead Contouring

이마 윤곽 수술이란 사진이미지

Forehead contouring transforms a depressed, bumpy, flat, small or big forehead into a beautiful shape by adding volume to one’s forehead that gives balanced volumizing on one’s side profile with nose centrally.

Key points of Forehead Contouring

■ point01

The distance between hairline and eyebrows should be the same as the distance between eyebrows and the nose tip.

■ point02

Smoothly rounded contour in profile

■ point03

Round and Full contouring of forehead

■ point04

Should not be partially depressed or elevated.

■ point05

Smooth curve on each side of the forehead.

